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The second chapter of lal kitab, termed as the wonder book of astrology, details the effects of sun in various houses alongwith the remedies. Kitab penting tersebut adalah kitab tauhid karya muhammad bin abdul wahab. Part 01 part 02 part 03 part 04 part 05 part 06 part 07 part 08 part 09 part 10 part 11 part 12 part part 14 part 15. Interpretation of kitab at tauhid ghayatulmurid the destination of the seeker of truth by the noble shaikh. Isinya hanyalah firman allah dan sabda rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wa sallam, kemudian beliau sebutkan faidahfaidah yang dapat dipetik dari ayatayat atau dari haditshadits. Kitab tauhid dan terjemahannya pdf muhammad bin abdul. Kitab attawheed is one of the best books on the subject of tawheed monotheism and ranks high in authenticity. Download it once and read it on your kindle device.